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Santa will visit the Vienna Community Center to hear all your holiday wishes. Mrs. Claus has set up a donut bar for all the wonderful kids of Vienna. There will also be music, crafts, and lots of holiday spirit! A maximum of 8 tickets can be purchased per household. At least one parent/guardian must accompany children. Ticket must be purchased for each person in attendance. Children under 12 months are free. Thank you to our sponsor, Air Treatment Heating and Cooling.
3 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Availability Column #11
Unavailable 350681-A1 DONUTS WITH SANTA 12/07/2024 -12/07/2024* 8:00 am - 8:50 am Sa Vienna Community Center Ages 1yr and above $5.00/$5.00 Unavailable
Unavailable 350681-B1 DONUTS WITH SANTA 12/07/2024 -12/07/2024* 9:00 am - 9:50 am Sa Vienna Community Center Ages 1yr and above $5.00/$5.00 Full
Unavailable 350681-C1 DONUTS WITH SANTA 12/07/2024 -12/07/2024* 10:00 am -10:50 am Sa Vienna Community Center Ages 1yr and above $5.00/$5.00 Full