POTTERY LAB - 337210
LOCATION: Bowman House Arts and Craft Center (211 Center Street SW)
Open to all adults enrolled in a pottery class. $20.00 for 25 pounds of clay, which includes glazes and firings. Only clay purchased from the Parks and Recreation Department may be used in the studio. Children may not accompany parents to lab. Lab registration is available online. Up to two labs per class participant.
Open to all adults enrolled in a pottery class. $20.00 for 25 pounds of clay, which includes glazes and firings. Only clay purchased from the Parks and Recreation Department may be used in the studio. Children may not accompany parents to lab. Lab registration is available online. Up to two labs per class participant.
Charge When Not Billed:
NON-RES ADULT REVENUE (Standard Fee): $45.00 = $45.00
NON-RES ADULT REVENUE (Standard Fee): $45.00 = $45.00